
Geham NP

Leaden flycatcher (Myiagra rubecula) – adult and juvenile – Photo: Tony Bond

Maintaining something of a tradition for first excursion of the year, our local BirdLife group (8 participants) today visited Geham National Park.


Myall Park Botanic Gardens and Surrounds

Spotted bowerbird Chlamydera maculata Photo: Roger Jaensch

Over the King’s birthday long weekend five of us stayed at the Myall Park Botanic Gardens and did surveys there and in surrounding areas of importance.

All up it was a fantastic long weekend with some really great birding!


Geham National Park

White-browed scrubwren Sericornis frontalis Photo: Tony Bond

On a fine but warm and humid Saturday our first outing for 2023 was to Geham National Park.


Ravensbourne National Park

Photo credit: Tony Bond

Our second excursion to Ravensbourne National Park as the Darling Downs group took place in balmy weather and spirits were high after so many trip cancellations over the past year or so due to wet weather.


Lockyer National Park

Spotted pardalote Pardalotus punctatus – Photo: Scot McPhie

Lockyer National Park is a lovely little national park near Helidon in the Lockyer Valley. It didn’t give up its secrets easily, but it’s definitely a park we’ll be visiting more often.


Geham National Park

Musk lorikeets Glossopsitta concinna inspecting a nesting hollow Photo: Tony Bond

Cold and windy winter conditions but still some interesting sightings!

Survey trip

The Palms National Park

The Palms is a tiny patch of rainforest surrounded by farmland and woodland just north of Cooyar.

A profusion of palms (if that’s not a botanical phrase it needs to be) Photo: Scot McPhie
Survey trip

Crows Nest National Park

It was a cold morning (four degrees) when we set off but it turned out to be a very enjoyable and eventful morning.

Survey trip

Ravensbourne National Park

Black-faced monarch (Monarcha melanopsis) Photo: Tony Bond

Ravensbourne National Park consists mainly of rainforest with some sections of emerging eucalypt forest as well. This was our first group excursion into a rainforest area and it didn’t disappoint.