
Stevenson Street, Toowoomba Range

Grey shrike thrush Colluricincla harmonica Photo: Tony Bond

Nine of the bravest birding souls met at Stevenson Street (north), Redwood, for a BirdLife outing on a cold and windy Saturday morning, 9 July 2022.

Survey area – Stevenson Street, Toowoomba, just off the range

Despite vigorous flapping of the flag at Picnic Point high above us, we enjoyed some good birding—mainly in patches—where the road and bridle trail were sheltered.

Scarlett honeyeater – Myzomela sanguinolenta Photo: Tony Bond

A few yellow box were flowering and many Scarlet Honeyeaters were buzzing about, tiny red dots in the canopies, and several White-throated Honeyeaters announced themselves with high-pitched rapid calls. A male Regent Bowerbird was among the fruit-eating birds near privet and other weedy shrubs with ripe berries.

Buff rumped thornbill Acanthiza reguloides Photo: Tony Bond

Although not often seen at this site, a pair of Buff-rumped Thornbills was seen multiple times today in she-oaks and gums near the limit of our walk, recognised by their distinctive twittering calls, plain head pattern and thorn-shaped beak (to distinguish from Weebill).

Grey shrike thrush Colluricincla harmonica photos above by Mike Ford and Tony Bond

Altogether, 27 bird species were recorded; this would have been a higher tally if the accipiter that spasmodically excited the miners had stayed around long enough to be identified!

Variegated fairy wren Malurus lamberti (above) in winter non breeding plumage. Note black bill and feint chestnut shoulder indicate a male. Photos by Tony Bond (R) and Mike Ford (L)

Australasian figbid (male) Sphecotheres vieilloti Photo: Tony Bond

Here is the full species list for the day – the actual survey entry can be found on Birdata here

Australasian Figbird – Sphecotheres vieilloti

Brown Goshawk/Collared Sparrowhawk spp

Buff-rumped Thornbill – Acanthiza reguloides

Eastern Whipbird – Psophodes olivaceus

Golden Whistler – Pachycephala pectoralis

Grey Fantail – Rhipidura fuliginosa

Grey Shrike-thrush – Colluricincla harmonica

Laughing Kookaburra – Dacelo novaeguineae

Lewin’s Honeyeater – Meliphaga lewinii

Noisy Miner – Manorina melanocephala

Pied Butcherbird – Cracticus nigrogularis

Pied Currawong – Strepera graculina

Rainbow Lorikeet – Trichoglossus moluccanus

Red Wattlebird – Anthochaera carunculata

Red-browed Finch – Neochmia temporalis

Regent Bowerbird – Sericulus chrysocephalus

Scaly-breasted Lorikeet – Trichoglossus chlorolepidotus

Scarlet Honeyeater – Myzomela sanguinolenta

Silvereye – Zosterops lateralis

Spotted Pardalote – Pardalotus punctatus

Striated Pardalote – Pardalotus striatus

Torresian Crow – Corvus orru

Variegated Fairy-wren – Malurus lamberti

White-browed Scrubwren – Sericornis frontalis

White-throated Honeyeater – Melithreptus albogularis

White-throated Treecreeper – Cormobates leucophaea

Willie Wagtail – Rhipidura leucophrys

Yellow-faced Honeyeater – Caligavis chrysops

The Buff rumped thornbill photos above were taken by Roger Jaensch a few days later at Kleinton, and are included for identification purposes. Roger’s notes: They show the white iris, buffy-yellow underparts—especially the vent; also the rump) and almost black tail contrasting with the rump. Also, you can see the pale scalloping on the forehead, which is often not conspicuous in the field (Yellow-rumped Thornbill has a black-and-white pattern on the front of the head). There is even a hint of olive-green on the back. The fourth and rather fuzzy image shows that in poorer light, this species can look quite yellow underneath. Subspecies nesa is apparently the one in our area; the nominate subspecies apparently is more washed out in colours. A bird to watch out for!